Other organisations who offer help and support in times of crisis…
Surrey Young Carers
If you are a young person, and you help care for someone who has an illness, a disability, or is affected by mental ill-health or alcohol/substance misuse, we can help you. We support children from Year 1 upwards.
Young Minds
Whether you want to understand more about how you're feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who's struggling, we can help.
Kooth’s sole purpose is to create easy to access online mental health services that work alongside you to provide compassionate and effective support.
Childline is a counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday. They deal with any issues which cause distress or concern including child abuse, bullying, mental illness, parental separation or divorce, teenage pregnancy, substance misuse, neglect, and psychological abuse.
Surrey Family Information Service
This is a free, impartial information service for families with children aged 0 to 25.